Tuesday, April 21, 2009

web site

A web site that a i visit very often is the “Universidad de Chile” web site, because is the page were I can found all the news about my career and important notices for the students, also it very helping when I looking something about a homework that I have to do or just for inform me about interesting debates and conference. I found this web site when I was looking some colleges and because I always love it this university. I visit this page at least 3 times a week, also always are new thing to check.

Here is the link for the web site

And other good web site to visit is “El Mercurio” web site, because it has all the news of the day and the ones of the past days, so when I don’t have much time to read the newspaper this web site is a life saver, to kept it me informed of what its happening in the world, I found it when, of course, I was passing the time online, I visit it very often because I always have to know what is happening, and I have to be informed.

Here is the link for the web site

You answered 19 items out of 30 correctly.
Your score is 63%. Not bad.


  1. I like visiting our college's web site, it is very interesting and has information relative to us...
    El Mercurio is good too, cause we can read the newspaper free... xD

  2. I think that emol.com is better than the university web site, but both are useful.

    See you

  3. Hello Eli, I like vey much www.uchile.cl too, there I can find Catálogo Bello, that is the web I enjoy the most. Good Luck!

  4. Nice post! But don't forget to follow instructions completely:
    - use at least one gerund form and one infinitive form--make them bold!

    I see your infinitive "I have to be informed," but you want to practice the gerund too: e.g. I like knowing about things.
